Friday, May 2, 2014

More Than Just a Customer....

What comes to mind when we think of the people we see throughout the week at Giverny? Certainly, we are proud of and thankful for our talented instructors and personal trainers, and we enjoy seeing these people so much! But, one of the reasons we all LOVE our job so much at Giverny is due to THE CUSTOMERS!  Those who walk through our front door are more than just customers to us.  In fact, we have a hard time even using that word to describe them.  Once you attend classes for a while, you will see what we mean.  We genuinely melt into a family here. We care about you when you are sick or absent from class. We pray for you and think of your well-being.  We have witnessed circles of prayer after class before. We laugh together, cry together, defend each other, and tease each other.  We are a family that ALWAYS welcomes in someone new. It is impossible to say how many times we have seen a current customer welcome a new customer and begin to do whatever they can to make them feel comfortable and at home.  We strive to make this our difference; we enjoy people and hope they enjoy us, too.  We will never go out of the way to make you the center of attention if you aren't interested in extra attention, of course, (we know some of you prefer to slip in and slip out again, which is just fine!) but if you need a friend, an accountability partner, encouragement, hope, fellowship, or if you just enjoy a smiling face next to you in class, you WILL find this within our walls, we guarantee it.  We are so proud of all of you that fill our classes each day! Thank you for being the wonderful people you are!

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