Sunday, June 22, 2014

Praise for Personal Training: One Customer's "Aha" Moment

We received such a wonderful note from a customer who wanted to thank us for helping her during personal training sessions; this customer was completely OK with letting us share her feedback with you, and we are so glad!   Her view of the training sessions may help put into perspective the benefits of working along side a professional who is there to help you reach a goal, better yourself, and feel your best.  We hope this may reach someone who is "on the fence" about trying personal training or had not thought of the benefits! We appreciate our customers so very, very much - and their feedback!!!!!!  Here are her words in a specific note to a trainer at Giverny:

First of all I want to express how very much I appreciate and respect your gifts as a personal trainer.  I know that you have an understanding of the fear and uncertainties that a new client probably brings along when they sign-up to take the steps to get back "in shape".   My experience, while one of the hardest things I've ever done, was one of the most gratifying and empowering.   I know I worked hard, but somehow through your focus and attention to my strengths and weaknesses, you pulled the best out of me.  That is a skill set that you should be proud of - it was and is the motivation and encouragement that makes me have hope and determination to "stay the course", no matter my few detours along the way.
I think I mentioned how I came to realize that more than hitting some magical weight or trying to achieve some unrealistic magazine version of what a good body looks like, my "aha" moment has been recognizing that I just want to be strong.   I realize that, even at 49, after so many years of never caring about my intake of calories and non-existent exercies routine, I could and was recovering my strength and athleticism.   The weight loss has become a bonus and secondary to my desire to continue to feel the energy, strength and positive vibe that comes along with a new healthy lifestyle.
I continue to work on re-wiring my brain to prioritize the discipline sticking with exercise in my schedule.  Life is always going to be busy, but I only have this one body, right?!  :-)
We love the "aha" moment!   Again, we are so thankful to our customers for sharing feedback.  It helps shape us into the trainers/instructors/leaders that we need and want to be! 

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