Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hungry After Strength Training?!?

Why am I so hungry after strength training?

One thing I have personally noticed is that when I am finished with a strength training session, I start getting hungry. Usually this happens within 30-45 minutes after my workout is over. Then within an hour or two, I am starved! And the second I get around food, it’s all over!

How to avoid overeating

Overeating and added calories might be why there is a myth that strength training will make you bigger. Trust me, strength training will not make you bigger, but eating too much food will!
To combat overeating, within that initial 30-45 minute window, you need to eat something – even if you aren’t hungry. It should definitely be something with carbohydrates, but a combination of carbohydrates and protein is even better.

What to eat

The carbohydrates will help with glycogen replacement to the muscle, while the protein (10-20 grams) will reduce the cortisol and help with the process of building and repairing the muscles. It doesn’t need to be a lot – a 100 calorie snack is perfect. I personally eat a couple handfuls of pistachios with a piece of fruit or peanut butter on an apple. Yogurt and milk are also good choices.  Keep working out, keep making good choices. You too can get there! It is a slow process, but it is so worth it!