Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Through the years: Why Giverny?

As we get older, we want exercise and need exercise for different reasons as we go. A 22 year old may have different motivation for his or her workouts than a 55 year old may have. However, we all can benefit from many of the same great effects of exercise.  Let's break it down. Why Giverny - in your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, and as an Empty Nester? Keep reading!

Find your age catagory & read your tips!

Giverny -  Why in your 20’s?

  • Establish healthy lifetime habits, accountability with friends
  • Strength Training Classes of Personal Coach - increase lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn calories
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits for heart health and burning calories
  • Stretching  Classes to prevent injuries that hinder your workout
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer your questions and educate you
  • Maintain a healthy weight and muscle strength
  • Pre/Post baby- safe and proper technique 
  • Free babysitting weekday mornings
  • No membership/Sign-ups/No Hassle


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly.  Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening & building up your cardio endurance.  Example, 10 minutes on the treadmill the first week, or stay or half of a cardio class.
  4. Drink LOTS of water!
  5. Wear good, supportive shoes

Giverny-  Why in your 30's?

  • Establish healthy lifetime habits- late 30's will begin stages of muscle atrophy and bone loss, which can  be significantly reduced through exercise
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Strength Training Classes or Pesonal Coach- increase lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn calories
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits - improve heart health, weight bearing exercise, stimulate bone mass and metabolism
  • Stretching in class prevents injuries that hinder your workout
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer your questions and educate you
  • "ME" time!
  • Increase energy, social atmosphere, accountability 
  • REDUCE stress!
  • Pre/Post baby- safe and proper tecnnique
  • Free babysitting weekday mornings
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No hassle


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly.  Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening & building up your cardio endurance.  Example, 10 minutes on the treadmill the first week, or stay or half of a cardio class.
  4. Drink LOTS of water!
  5. Wear good, supportive shoes
  6. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass!

Giverny - Why in your 40's?

  • Establish healthy lifetime habits- late 30's will begin stages of muscle atrophy and bone loss, which can  be significantly reduced through exercise
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Strength Training Classes or Pesonal Coach- increase lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn calories
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits - improve heart health, weight bearing exercise, stimulate bone mass and metabolism
  • Stretching in class prevents injuries that hinder your workout
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer your questions and educate you
  • "ME" time!
  • Increase engergy, social atmosphere, accountability 
  • REDUCE stress!
  • Pre/Post baby- safe and proper tecnnique
  • Free babysitting weekday mornings
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No hassle
  • Increase good cholesterol, sick less often, and lower risk of developing heart disease or diabetes


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health.
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly. Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening and building up cardio endurance.  Example, 10 minutes on the treadmill or half of a cardio class.
  4. Make proper form a PRIORITY.
  5. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass!
  6. Increase your PROTEIN and CALCIUM intake.
  7. Drink lots of water.
  8. Wear supportive shoes.

Giverny- Why in your 50's?

  • Reintroduce or maintain a lifetime habit of exercise - muscle atrophy, decreasing bone mass, and slowing metabolism
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Increase good cholesterol, sick less often, and lower risk of developing heart disease and diabetes
  • Better sleep
  • Strength Training Classes or Personal Coach - increase lean muscle, maintain bone mass, boost your metabolism, and improve balance
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits for heart health, weight bearing exercise, to stimulate bone mass and metabolism.  Dance classes improve  or maintain coordination.
  • Stretching Classes to prevent muscle tightness leading to back and joint injuries
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer questions/educate you
  • "ME" time, increased energy, social atmosphere, accountability
  • Reduce Stress
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No Hassle


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health.
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly. Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening and building up your cardio endurance. For example, 10 minutes on the treadmill or half of a cardio class.
  4. Make proper form a priority.
  5. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass.
  6. Increase your protein and calcium intake.
  7. Drink lots of water.
  8. Wear good, supportive shoes.

Giverny- Why as an Empty Nester?

  • Reintroduce or maintain a lifetime habit of exercise - muscle atrophy, decreasing bone mass, and slowing metabolism
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Increase good cholesterol, sick less often, and lower risk of developing heart disease and diabetes
  • Better sleep
  • Strength Training Classes or Personal Coach - increase lean muscle, maintain bone mass, boost your metabolism, and improve balance
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits for heart health, weight bearing exercise, to stimulate bone mass and metabolism.  Dance classes improve  or maintain coordination.
  • Stretching Classes to prevent muscle tightness leading to back and joint injuries
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer questions/educate you
  • "ME" time, increased energy, social atmosphere, accountability
  • Reduce Stress
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No Hassle
  • LIFETIME FITNESS CLASS: specifically geared toward this age group with low-impact cardio, upper body strengthening, balance, coordination, and core strength

  • TIPS: 

    1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health.
    2. Come with friends
    3. If deconditioned, start slowly. Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening and building up your cardio endurance. For example, 10 minutes on the treadmill or half of a cardio class.
    4. Make proper form a priority.
    5. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass.
    6. Increase your protein and calcium intake.
    7. Drink lots of water.
    8. Wear good, supportive shoes.
    9. Best to have at least 2 days rest between strengthening exercises

    We can ALL benefit from exercise! Make great habits and continue them to enjoy many years of fantastic health!

    Monday, June 1, 2015

    Squats -- Without Hurting Myself?

    How do I do squats without hurting my knees? 

    Squats are a great tool for strengthening your legs. When done properly, you will see and feel fantastic results. Once you learn to do them properly, you can add weights, which will further increase the benefits and speed of results. You will love this exercise.
    The 6 “don’ts” of proper squatting
    • Don’t bend the knees only; instead bend at the hips and knees.
    • Don’t put your weight in your toes; keep your weight more toward your heels.
    • Don’t let your knees move inward as you are going down.
    • Don’t let your knees come out over your toes.
    • Don’t go too deep until you feel comfortable and strong enough to keep this proper form.
    • Don’t let your chest fall forward.

     Start with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward, and abs tight to protect your back. Your goal will be getting your thighs practically parallel with the floor. A good starting tip is to go into your kitchen, grab the kitchen sink with both hands and begin to sit back. Your arms should be completely extended as you are sitting back.

    Proper squats should strengthen your glutes and legs (quadriceps and hamstrings), but they should never hurt your knees!
    When you begin to stand up, squeeze through your glutes and straighten your legs, but NEVER lock your knees! Keep your knees slightly bent/soft. You can gradually add weight once you feel comfortable with proper form. There is no point in doing squats if you aren’t doing them correctly! Contact us with any questions.  We are here to help!