Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Through the years: Why Giverny?

As we get older, we want exercise and need exercise for different reasons as we go. A 22 year old may have different motivation for his or her workouts than a 55 year old may have. However, we all can benefit from many of the same great effects of exercise.  Let's break it down. Why Giverny - in your 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, and as an Empty Nester? Keep reading!

Find your age catagory & read your tips!

Giverny -  Why in your 20’s?

  • Establish healthy lifetime habits, accountability with friends
  • Strength Training Classes of Personal Coach - increase lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn calories
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits for heart health and burning calories
  • Stretching  Classes to prevent injuries that hinder your workout
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer your questions and educate you
  • Maintain a healthy weight and muscle strength
  • Pre/Post baby- safe and proper technique 
  • Free babysitting weekday mornings
  • No membership/Sign-ups/No Hassle


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly.  Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening & building up your cardio endurance.  Example, 10 minutes on the treadmill the first week, or stay or half of a cardio class.
  4. Drink LOTS of water!
  5. Wear good, supportive shoes

Giverny-  Why in your 30's?

  • Establish healthy lifetime habits- late 30's will begin stages of muscle atrophy and bone loss, which can  be significantly reduced through exercise
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Strength Training Classes or Pesonal Coach- increase lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn calories
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits - improve heart health, weight bearing exercise, stimulate bone mass and metabolism
  • Stretching in class prevents injuries that hinder your workout
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer your questions and educate you
  • "ME" time!
  • Increase energy, social atmosphere, accountability 
  • REDUCE stress!
  • Pre/Post baby- safe and proper tecnnique
  • Free babysitting weekday mornings
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No hassle


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly.  Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening & building up your cardio endurance.  Example, 10 minutes on the treadmill the first week, or stay or half of a cardio class.
  4. Drink LOTS of water!
  5. Wear good, supportive shoes
  6. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass!

Giverny - Why in your 40's?

  • Establish healthy lifetime habits- late 30's will begin stages of muscle atrophy and bone loss, which can  be significantly reduced through exercise
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Strength Training Classes or Pesonal Coach- increase lean muscle, boost your metabolism, and burn calories
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits - improve heart health, weight bearing exercise, stimulate bone mass and metabolism
  • Stretching in class prevents injuries that hinder your workout
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer your questions and educate you
  • "ME" time!
  • Increase engergy, social atmosphere, accountability 
  • REDUCE stress!
  • Pre/Post baby- safe and proper tecnnique
  • Free babysitting weekday mornings
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No hassle
  • Increase good cholesterol, sick less often, and lower risk of developing heart disease or diabetes


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health.
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly. Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening and building up cardio endurance.  Example, 10 minutes on the treadmill or half of a cardio class.
  4. Make proper form a PRIORITY.
  5. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass!
  6. Increase your PROTEIN and CALCIUM intake.
  7. Drink lots of water.
  8. Wear supportive shoes.

Giverny- Why in your 50's?

  • Reintroduce or maintain a lifetime habit of exercise - muscle atrophy, decreasing bone mass, and slowing metabolism
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Increase good cholesterol, sick less often, and lower risk of developing heart disease and diabetes
  • Better sleep
  • Strength Training Classes or Personal Coach - increase lean muscle, maintain bone mass, boost your metabolism, and improve balance
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits for heart health, weight bearing exercise, to stimulate bone mass and metabolism.  Dance classes improve  or maintain coordination.
  • Stretching Classes to prevent muscle tightness leading to back and joint injuries
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer questions/educate you
  • "ME" time, increased energy, social atmosphere, accountability
  • Reduce Stress
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No Hassle


  1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health.
  2. Come with friends
  3. If deconditioned, start slowly. Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening and building up your cardio endurance. For example, 10 minutes on the treadmill or half of a cardio class.
  4. Make proper form a priority.
  5. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass.
  6. Increase your protein and calcium intake.
  7. Drink lots of water.
  8. Wear good, supportive shoes.

Giverny- Why as an Empty Nester?

  • Reintroduce or maintain a lifetime habit of exercise - muscle atrophy, decreasing bone mass, and slowing metabolism
  • Decrease back and joint pain
  • Increase good cholesterol, sick less often, and lower risk of developing heart disease and diabetes
  • Better sleep
  • Strength Training Classes or Personal Coach - increase lean muscle, maintain bone mass, boost your metabolism, and improve balance
  • Cardio Classes, Personal Coach, or Cardio Circuits for heart health, weight bearing exercise, to stimulate bone mass and metabolism.  Dance classes improve  or maintain coordination.
  • Stretching Classes to prevent muscle tightness leading to back and joint injuries
  • Maintain or re-strengthen your core
  • Proper technique from trained instructors/trainers who can answer questions/educate you
  • "ME" time, increased energy, social atmosphere, accountability
  • Reduce Stress
  • No Memberships/Sign-ups/No Hassle
  • LIFETIME FITNESS CLASS: specifically geared toward this age group with low-impact cardio, upper body strengthening, balance, coordination, and core strength

  • TIPS: 

    1. Combine healthy eating with exercise for optimal health.
    2. Come with friends
    3. If deconditioned, start slowly. Listen to instructors/trainers' options for strengthening and building up your cardio endurance. For example, 10 minutes on the treadmill or half of a cardio class.
    4. Make proper form a priority.
    5. Metabolism is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass.
    6. Increase your protein and calcium intake.
    7. Drink lots of water.
    8. Wear good, supportive shoes.
    9. Best to have at least 2 days rest between strengthening exercises

    We can ALL benefit from exercise! Make great habits and continue them to enjoy many years of fantastic health!

    Monday, June 1, 2015

    Squats -- Without Hurting Myself?

    How do I do squats without hurting my knees? 

    Squats are a great tool for strengthening your legs. When done properly, you will see and feel fantastic results. Once you learn to do them properly, you can add weights, which will further increase the benefits and speed of results. You will love this exercise.
    The 6 “don’ts” of proper squatting
    • Don’t bend the knees only; instead bend at the hips and knees.
    • Don’t put your weight in your toes; keep your weight more toward your heels.
    • Don’t let your knees move inward as you are going down.
    • Don’t let your knees come out over your toes.
    • Don’t go too deep until you feel comfortable and strong enough to keep this proper form.
    • Don’t let your chest fall forward.

     Start with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward, and abs tight to protect your back. Your goal will be getting your thighs practically parallel with the floor. A good starting tip is to go into your kitchen, grab the kitchen sink with both hands and begin to sit back. Your arms should be completely extended as you are sitting back.

    Proper squats should strengthen your glutes and legs (quadriceps and hamstrings), but they should never hurt your knees!
    When you begin to stand up, squeeze through your glutes and straighten your legs, but NEVER lock your knees! Keep your knees slightly bent/soft. You can gradually add weight once you feel comfortable with proper form. There is no point in doing squats if you aren’t doing them correctly! Contact us with any questions.  We are here to help!

    Friday, May 1, 2015

    Why Are My Knees So Sore?

     Ouch! My knees are bothering me!

    There are many possible causes for knee pain. Probable sources are problems with your feet or hips, tight or weak muscles, ligament, tendon, cartilage injuries, or osteoarthritis. If you are new to exercise, it can also result from trying to do too much too soon – which can lead to overuse and inflammation. 

    Handle knee pain quickly

    When my knees begin to hurt, I immediately address the two reasons that I know are personally causing my knees to ache.
    First, my shoes are getting worn out or they weren’t fitting me properly. A good shoe store will be able to look at your step/gait and fit you into shoes that properly support your feet. Orthotics can also be very helpful if a good fitting shoe isn’t enough.
    Second, my leg muscles are getting tight. Stretching the muscles/tendons that attach at the knee: the hip flexors, quadriceps, hamstrings, inner thighs, iliotibial band (outside of the thigh), and calves alleviate the pain for me.
    Knee pain can come from many different sources besides what I mentioned and may require a doctor’s attention, so don’t push through the pain! But ask yourself, “When is the last time I replaced my shoes?” and “Did I properly stretch after exercise?”
    Below I’ve listed three symptoms and possible causes for your knee pain. Be sure to consult with your doctor to make sure you’ve identified the exact cause.

    I have inflammation and pain in my knee

    You may have runner’s knee. Runner’s knee is an example of an injury resulting from a knee tracking issue. The femur (thigh bone) and patella (knee cap) can literally be off track in its ‘pulley system.’ That causes wear and tear and results in inflammation and pain. The pain can be felt on any side of the knee, but most often on the front of the knee cap.
    Runner’s knee is associated with an increase in activity – maybe too much too soon. Pain is worse after getting up from rest. The treatment is rest, strengthening the thigh and hip muscles, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications.

    My knee hurts after I’ve been sitting awhile

    You may have chondromalacia . Chondromalacia is a softening or loss of smooth cartilage that covers the back of the kneecap. The symptoms and treatment are similar to runner’s knee. There is pain in the front of the knee, especially after prolonged sitting or when pressure is applied to the kneecap (kneeling, going down stairs).
    The best treatment is rest and building up your medial quadriceps. One example is sitting in a chair and performing a straight leg lift.

    I have pain under my knee cap

    You may have patellar tendonitis. Patellar tendonitis is inflammation or irritation of the patellar tendon.This tendon is what connects the patella (knee cap) to the tibia (shin bone). Pain can be felt just under the knee cap. There is pain, stiffness, and a cracking noise can be heard with motion – especially squatting or descending stairs. The treatment is icing after exercise for 15 minutes (not cake icing!), resting from jumping and sprinting, and stretching before and after exercise.  This is a good example of listening to your body. If you have pain while squatting, do your squats without weights, don’t go down as far, and/or hold onto something stable.  
    These are all issues that we can help you work through. Perhaps a simple knee brace or ice pack could alleviate your pain. Please contact us for questions or to set up a consultation for help. Don't give up! Aches & pains are part of the game. We are conditioning our bodies for a long term health goal. Stay focused, & we can do this together! 

    Thursday, April 2, 2015

    Hungry After Strength Training?!?

    Why am I so hungry after strength training?

    One thing I have personally noticed is that when I am finished with a strength training session, I start getting hungry. Usually this happens within 30-45 minutes after my workout is over. Then within an hour or two, I am starved! And the second I get around food, it’s all over!

    How to avoid overeating

    Overeating and added calories might be why there is a myth that strength training will make you bigger. Trust me, strength training will not make you bigger, but eating too much food will!
    To combat overeating, within that initial 30-45 minute window, you need to eat something – even if you aren’t hungry. It should definitely be something with carbohydrates, but a combination of carbohydrates and protein is even better.

    What to eat

    The carbohydrates will help with glycogen replacement to the muscle, while the protein (10-20 grams) will reduce the cortisol and help with the process of building and repairing the muscles. It doesn’t need to be a lot – a 100 calorie snack is perfect. I personally eat a couple handfuls of pistachios with a piece of fruit or peanut butter on an apple. Yogurt and milk are also good choices.  Keep working out, keep making good choices. You too can get there! It is a slow process, but it is so worth it! 

    Thursday, March 26, 2015

    I have a lot of weight to lose. How can I keep from feeling overwhelmed?

    Weight loss struggles bringing you down?

    Sometimes the finish line seems so far away. You’ve set a weight and fitness goal for yourself, but it seems like you’re trying to get to the moon. And since weight never seems to fall off as easily as it went on, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and grow discouraged.

    Weight loss is like a mini-marathon

    I am not a runner now, but in my early 20’s I would run for exercise. I was training for a mini-marathon that has a 2-mile track in the middle of the course (the Indianapolis Motor Speedway). I fortunately got some great advice from a veteran racer, who said that portion of the race could be a huge mental battle if you let it.

    When most runners step on the track, they begin to look ahead and across, leaving them feeling completely overwhelmed. The realization hits them that you have to run around the huge track and still have many miles to go before the finish line. He said that he had seen many people give up and begin walking somewhere on that track.

    His advice? Don’t look ahead and across! Keep your head down and take one step at a time and before you know it, you will be off that track and finishing strong.

    Readjusting your focus

    Much like that mini-marathon, we too want to reach the end goal. How can we do that?

    When you begin an exercise program have your eyes locked in on each day, each moment. Don’t allow the end goal to cloud your step by step accomplishments. Yes, you have to have an end goal, BUT be proud of each small goal reached!

    Keep your eyes on your own successes, not across at your sister, friend, or stranger that is in amazing shape. Don’t discount yourself and your accomplishments! Rejoice at their successes, and then reset your focus on your progress.

    Nothing worthwhile ever happens quickly. You’re beginning the process of a body transformation. Take it a step at a time and celebrate each success along the way. Let us help you take that first step at Giverny! Contact us for help. Personal training, group fitness classes, our Personal Coach program... we have tools to help you reach your goals!

    Tuesday, February 17, 2015

    Avoiding the Winter Blues

    Feeling down with the lack of sunshine in your life? Tired of dressing in 20 layers to head outside? We understand! Check out this list for some great tips to beat the winter blues! 

    1. Drink plenty of water!!  Winter is a very dry season and being well hydrated is very important!!

    2. Comfort foods don't have to be fattening or bad for you.  Think soup, and add as many veggies as you can. There are lots of great recipes to be found online at places like Eatingwell.comallrecipes.com and cookinglight.com.  

    3. Most of us are deficient in  vitamin D3, especially in the winter.  You can get a simple blood test to determine the amount you should take.  

    4. Exfoliate!  It is important for keeping your complexion bright all year round.  We are all more prone to accumulating dead, flaky skin when the weather is zapping it of it's moisture.  
    5. Ditch the Sugar. Sugar can cause problems not only to your physical health, but mental health as well. Sugar can  leave you feeling sluggish. Stick to complete meals with protein, fiber, fruits, and veggies.

    6. Keep moving!!  Make it a priority to stay active, and you will have more energy, which helps to improve your mood!

    7. Be social!  Time with friends helps distract from the cold temps and lack of outdoor activities available.  Friends can boost your mood and spirits tremendously!

    8. Plan a vacation.  It will keep you focused on your fitness goals and give you something to look forward to! 

    Wednesday, February 11, 2015

    So Healthy, So Yummy!

    It can be difficult to find healthy recipes that are actually tasty, too. What about some Pumpkin and Turkey Chili or a Green Smoothie? Your family will love these! 

    Pumpkin and Turkey Chili

    2 tbsp. olive oil
    1 small yellow onion, chopped
    1 green bell pepper, chopped 
    2 cloves garlic, chopped 
    1 jalapeno pepper, chopped
    1 (14.5 oz) can diced tomatoes with liquid
    1 (15 oz) can pumpkin puree
    1 tbsp. chili powder
    1 tsp. ground cumin
    1 tsp. salt
    1/4 tsp. pepper
    1 lb. ground turkey breast cooked
    1 (15 oz) can kidney beans rinsed and drained
    1 1/2 cups water
    sour cream, optional

    1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium-high heat
    2. Add onion, bell pepper, garlic and jalapenos, and cook for 5 minutes.  Add tomatoes, pumpkin, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper and 1 1/2 cups water.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce to medium-low heat and add turkey and beans.  Cover and simmer for 30 minutes.  Top with sour cream if desired.  

    Serves 4-6

    Green smoothie

    1 cup orange juice
    5 frozen strawberries
    1 large handful of spinach
    1 banana
    2 large kale leaves
    2 tbsp. chia, hemp or flax seeds (they sell a mix of the 3 also)

    Blend well :)

    Sunday, February 8, 2015

    Finding the Best Bread for You

    Article by: Kelly Meyer, RD

    With so many different bread brands on the market today, it is hard to tell which ones are actually good for you versus just having a healthy-sounding name.  The best breads to choose are the ones made from whole grains.  

    Grains are divided into two subgroups: whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains contain the entire kernel — the bran, germ and endosperm. They are naturally a source of protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  Refined grains contain mostly the endosperm and, due to processing, become less nutritious.  

    How do I know if my bread is made from whole grains??

    Don't rely on the front of the package to tell you if you are getting a product made with whole grains. There is a lot of fancy wording on packaging these days like "seven-grain", "multigrain", "cracked-wheat", "100% natural", or "stone-ground" that will make you think you are getting a whole grain and a healthier product when in fact, the flour in them is refined. It's key to look at the ingredient list.

     The word "whole" should be at the top. For example: "100 whole wheat flour",  "whole wheat flour", “whole grain rye flour,” or “whole grain pumpernickel flour".  Also keep in mind just because a bread is brown doesn't make it whole wheat and being white may not mean that bread is made with just refined white flour.  Whole grain white flour is as nutritious as regular whole wheat flour.  It is just made from a variety of albino wheat and has a milder taste and texture.  This is a good option for picky eaters (including kids) who don't like the taste of the whole wheat breads. 

    What are these other ingredients on the list??

    Some breads these days have long and complicated ingredients lists. These extra ingredients are usually added to help improve the taste, texture, shelf life or nutritional profile of the bread so that consumers will find it more appealing. Some add fiber and/or additional sweeteners (like sugar, corn syrup, or honey) to make their bread—especially whole wheat ones—taste sweeter. It's up to every individual consumer to decide whether they want a bread that contains preservatives and/or other additives. Looking for breads with shorter ingredients lists and recognizable ingredients in general is always a good move. 

    What do I look for on the label?

    Besides ingredients, here are some guidelines for picking a loaf that is healthy and nutritious. Try to keep these guidelines in mind when making your choice: 

    -Calories: 100 or fewer per slice

    -Fiber: 2 grams or more per slice

    -Sodium: 200mg or less per slice 

    -Saturated fat:  0.5 gm or less per slice

    And remember, breads, even whole grain breads, still are carbohydrates and their calories really can add up if eaten in excess. Even so, a nutrient-rich piece of whole grain bread definitely has its place in a healthy diet. Hopefully this information will help you pick a healthier bread for you and your family! So check out your loafs at home and see how they stack up!

    Friday, January 30, 2015

    What Type of Shoe Should I Wear for Exercise?

    You need to determine what shoe you will wear based on what type of exercise you will be doing. I often sing, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!” and call myself Mr. Rogers because I am constantly changing my shoes based on which class I will be teaching.

    When I teach dance

    I wear athletic dance shoes for my dancing classes because they have very little tread and a flat circular spinning portion under the ball of the big toe so when you twist and turn it is smooth and less stressful to the knees. A cross trainer is often what we recommend. 

    When I teach a high impact class

    Running shoes and aerobic shoes are great for exercise with impact because they have good shock absorbers. The running shoes are heavier and the aerobic shoes are lightweight. I personally like to wear running shoes during classes such as kickboxing/step/TRX because I see it as a slight challenge of added weight.

    What if I can only afford one pair?

    Cross training shoes have great heel and toe cushioning with good lateral support which makes them versatile to many activities. If you’re involved in an exercise program with multiple types of workouts, or you’re part of a gym that provides lots of activities, go with the cross trainers.

    What about the new “toning” shoes?

    Toning shoes are meant to create an unstable surface, keeping you off balance to work more stabilizing muscles while walking.
    They would not be recommended for running or step aerobics, where the lateral support is important for ankle and knee safety. Other than the shoe manufacturing industry, the limited outside research finds there is no significant difference between a toning shoe and a regular athletic shoe in its claim of effectiveness.

    Friday, January 23, 2015

    Breakfast is Important!

    Don't skip breakfast! You may think you're cutting calories, but by mid-morning to noon, you'll be SO hungry, that you'll oversnack or even overeat at lunch.  When you sleep eight hours, and don't eat for another five hours, your metabolism slows. However, your metabolism can be jump started with breakfast!  For a good breakfast, include a combination of protein and fiber. It doesn't need a lot of prep. Good ideas include eggs, fresh fruit, oatmeal, high-fiber cereals, greek yogurt, ham or a handful of nuts.  A mid-morning snack is also very important and can be considered a second, smaller breakfast.  A glass of water is JUST as important! Visit us to talk about more tips you can use, or share your ideas with us!

    Thursday, January 8, 2015

    Improving your Health in the New Year!

    Everyone wants to improve their health in the new year. If you can change one habit each week, it doesn't seem as overwhelming. Set a goal for losing one pound per week by reducing 500 calories from your diet each day. Distribute the reduction in calories per day by taking 100 calories off each meal and each snack daily.  For example, take off a large portion of the mayonnaise from your sandwich, remove the bread crust, and only use 1/2 a slice of cheese. By doing this, you have easily removed at least 100 calories from your daily intake!  For coffee drinkers, simply reducing the amount of sugar and cream helps tremendously.  

    Tips like these may be just what you need to motivate yourself to make changes in your diet and overall health this year.  Tune into WRSW Mondays & Wednesdays at 8:30am to hear more tips from Kelly on improving your health for 2015!