Friday, January 30, 2015

What Type of Shoe Should I Wear for Exercise?

You need to determine what shoe you will wear based on what type of exercise you will be doing. I often sing, “It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood!” and call myself Mr. Rogers because I am constantly changing my shoes based on which class I will be teaching.

When I teach dance

I wear athletic dance shoes for my dancing classes because they have very little tread and a flat circular spinning portion under the ball of the big toe so when you twist and turn it is smooth and less stressful to the knees. A cross trainer is often what we recommend. 

When I teach a high impact class

Running shoes and aerobic shoes are great for exercise with impact because they have good shock absorbers. The running shoes are heavier and the aerobic shoes are lightweight. I personally like to wear running shoes during classes such as kickboxing/step/TRX because I see it as a slight challenge of added weight.

What if I can only afford one pair?

Cross training shoes have great heel and toe cushioning with good lateral support which makes them versatile to many activities. If you’re involved in an exercise program with multiple types of workouts, or you’re part of a gym that provides lots of activities, go with the cross trainers.

What about the new “toning” shoes?

Toning shoes are meant to create an unstable surface, keeping you off balance to work more stabilizing muscles while walking.
They would not be recommended for running or step aerobics, where the lateral support is important for ankle and knee safety. Other than the shoe manufacturing industry, the limited outside research finds there is no significant difference between a toning shoe and a regular athletic shoe in its claim of effectiveness.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Breakfast is Important!

Don't skip breakfast! You may think you're cutting calories, but by mid-morning to noon, you'll be SO hungry, that you'll oversnack or even overeat at lunch.  When you sleep eight hours, and don't eat for another five hours, your metabolism slows. However, your metabolism can be jump started with breakfast!  For a good breakfast, include a combination of protein and fiber. It doesn't need a lot of prep. Good ideas include eggs, fresh fruit, oatmeal, high-fiber cereals, greek yogurt, ham or a handful of nuts.  A mid-morning snack is also very important and can be considered a second, smaller breakfast.  A glass of water is JUST as important! Visit us to talk about more tips you can use, or share your ideas with us!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Improving your Health in the New Year!

Everyone wants to improve their health in the new year. If you can change one habit each week, it doesn't seem as overwhelming. Set a goal for losing one pound per week by reducing 500 calories from your diet each day. Distribute the reduction in calories per day by taking 100 calories off each meal and each snack daily.  For example, take off a large portion of the mayonnaise from your sandwich, remove the bread crust, and only use 1/2 a slice of cheese. By doing this, you have easily removed at least 100 calories from your daily intake!  For coffee drinkers, simply reducing the amount of sugar and cream helps tremendously.  

Tips like these may be just what you need to motivate yourself to make changes in your diet and overall health this year.  Tune into WRSW Mondays & Wednesdays at 8:30am to hear more tips from Kelly on improving your health for 2015!